Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental differences believed to develop before children are three. Symptoms may also not show until later. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that children with autism can have difficulties with:

certain behaviors
understanding and expressing themselves verbally
others difficulties with communication skills
interacting well with others
learning and comprehending what they are being taught
No concrete scientific evidence pinpoints whether genetic or environmental factors can cause autism. Research is still being conducted to determine if there are and what they could be.
Although there are general symptoms that medical professionals look for while diagnosing whether a child is autistic, the symptoms can range and differ from person to person. The symptoms listed below are not exhaustive. It is recommended to talk to your child’s doctor if you have any concerns or questions about autism.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can have symptoms that include:

difficulty making and understanding facial expressions
challenging behaviors
challenges with social interactions
repetitive behaviors and restricted interests
difficulty understanding and expressing social communication
developmental delays
have been diagnosed with a developmental disorder not otherwise specified
underdeveloped language skills
be confined to restricted patterns in routines and throughout their day
comprehending social cues and underdeveloped social skills
head banging and other self-destructive behaviors
limited or no eye contact
not liking to be touched or other physical contact
challenges with understanding what is being taught
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) is considered a subtype of autism and has symptoms that include:

difficulty understanding and expressing language skills
challenges relating to and understanding others, tools and objects, and what is happening around them
does not like changes in routine or new places
Children diagnosed with PDD don’t receive an autism diagnosis because they do not meet all the diagnostic criteria for autism.
Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) is also called Heller’s syndrome and disintegrative psychosis and is a rare condition that typically occurs between two to three years old. The symptoms include developmental delays in:

language skills
social interactions and skills
fine motor and gross motor skills
Although CDD can be diagnosed with ASD, it is rare. If a child’s development is a primary concern, then a child can be diagnosed with both.
With autism diagnosed in early childhood, there is an added benefit of a child receiving early intervention services. These early interventions can be beneficial due to the human brain’s plasticity and development, making it easier for younger children with autism to learn different skills earlier.

The earlier opportunities can also help set up routines for the child that they may need in the future. The earlier a diagnosis, the more options may be available for the child, depending on their location, insurance, and other factors.

Many different types of services and therapies are available for children with autism. It is always best to discuss possibilities with the child’s doctor. They will have access to the available therapies that would be the most beneficial for the individual.

Therapies for autism can be broken down into seven categories, according to the CDC. These categories and examples provided below are only a partial listing of all available therapies, as they can change, and there is always the potential for more to be added or taken away later.

Here are the categories with examples of therapies available for children with autism available on the CDC website:

Behavioral therapy: These can include Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) tracks progress as the child is encouraged to use and taught positive behaviors to replace previous negative behaviors

Developmental therapy: These therapies hone specific developmental goals and skills and can combine with behavioral therapies. A couple of examples would be speech and language therapies and occupational therapies

Education therapy: This can include special education classes and other supports listed in the child’s 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or other plans available in the child’s school district. One specific example is the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children (TEACCH), which provides teachers the tools they need to create a classroom environment more suited for their autistic students and can include visual schedules, boundaries, and even unique learning stations to name a few

Social-emotional therapy and support: These can consist of social skills groups and social stories that break down an event that the autistic child may be getting ready for into visual steps to prepare them for the activity better

Medication: Although there is no medicine specified for autism spectrum disorders, there are medications that can help alleviate some symptoms of coexisting diagnosis, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or anxiety as a couple of examples

Psychological therapy: This therapy focuses on helping individuals develop coping skills to help with stress, anxiety, and many other mental health conditions. One example is cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) which helps individuals develop strategies that connect their thoughts with feelings and behaviors, which should help the individual figure out better reactions to situations they may encounter

Alternative therapies: These therapies are not always considered best practices, and discussing these options with the child’s doctor before attempting them is always recommended. Some alternative therapies can include music therapies, visiting a chiropractor, homeopathy, and more.

How old do I need to be to volunteer?For some roles, you need to be over 16 years old and for others, you will need to be over 18 years old. Young people under 18 will need consent from their parent / guardian. There is no upper age limit for our volunteers

Yes.  Please get in touch so we can talk about what roles might suit your skills and any additional support or adjustments you may need.

All volunteers will receive training. Some roles will need extra training and this will be discussed with you.